Recently, it seems like everyone except me is going on a missions trip. My older sister, DeLynn is in South Africa on a DTS with YWAM. Kaeli, my best friend is going to Eastern Washington to put on a VBS for Migrant workers' children. Her older sister is in South Africa, too. My friend Laci is in Mexico on a trip with her church. My friend Brenda just left for a performing arts DTS. She might be gone for a few years! Another of my friends, Corrie, just got back from a missions trip in Africa with her family.
So, what I want to know is- why not me? I know that God's timing is a whole lot different (and better) than mine. Maybe I am supposed to go on a missions trip this summer, but don't know about it yet : ) God works in mysterious ways : )
Whatever the reason, I am trying not to be jealous and to pray for all of them. Maybe that's my summer mission- prayer. I know that God has placed the prayer-warrior calling on my life. Sometimes,though, it is hard to pray and not go out and do something. I know, though, that when I pray, more could happen through others than if I were there trying to help.
God, whatever your will is, please show me how to join you in your work. I love you. Thank you.