Dear Family and Friends,
Reading over my pre-trip support letter, I can remember the weeks of jitters and expectations so clearly. I knew that God had something important to teach and show me, but I had no inkling of what or how God would teach me.
Honestly, this past Ukraine Mission trip, my third so far, was the hardest trip I had been on. God brought me through the fire to show me a piece of his master plan for my life.
Even in the hard times, though, God gave my team and I opportunities to serve and impact the orphans of Ukraine with Jesus’ love and forgiveness. Our time included: ministering at eleven different places, seeing over one hundred children, praying for and with each one. We endured about forty hours of van-time (unless you have been on a mission trip, you probably don’t realize how significant this is). We also made an effort to share God’s love with everyone we came in contact with.
God touched my heart with the children. He helped me ignore the dirt and dandruff, and to just hug them and give them the smiles and attention they so need and crave. Through a friend’s prayers for me before my trip, God helped me to realize that, “there is strength in serving. Not necessarily in the menial tasks, but serving by loving them; touching them; holding those that no one else would want to touch.” While in Ukraine, God loved his children through me. That is a feeling that I want to be addicted to!
Even though my trip was a difficult one, I know that God used it for the best. Before I left, someone told me that they felt God was saying that “This is my plan for you, it’s not a mistake how this is turning out; it’s my plan for you.” There really is “a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven” (Ecles. 3:1). Looking back on my trip, this definitely rings true. God used my time in Ukraine to show me that people everywhere have problems- problems that He wants to touch and heal with His love. He also showed me that He wants me to be a bearer of that love.
I want to thank each and every one of you for your prayers and financial support- without them, I would have missed out on this life-changing trip and on what God did in my heart during it. My prayer is that God would bless you and show you His purpose for you individually!
Recently, God has been showing me little bits of His purpose for me- right now I am preparing to go on a mission trip down the west coast this June and July. I’m on a dance ministry team and I am looking forward to the opportunities for prayer and loving people! This fall, I am planning on doing a Discipleship Training School (a six month missions school and outreach) with YWAM (Youth With A Mission). Currently, I am applying to a base in England and I should know in the next couple of months if I have been accepted or not.
I would greatly appreciate your prayers for my family and me during these times. My church mission trip will be the last week of June and the first few days in July. The DTS I am applying for begins the end of this September. Also, if you feel God moving on your heart to financially support me in either of these ventures, it would be a huge blessing. The summer trip will cost $600 and my DTS will cost roughly $4,000-5,000. As soon as I am accepted, I will be sending out more information on my DTS. If you would like to hear what God is doing through this, please let me know (preferably by email) and I can keep you up to date!
Thank you again for all your prayers- I know that God will bless you for your support of His work. I love you all and hope to hear from you soon!!