I'm horribly aware that I haven't posted in ages. My sincerest apologies...
This thought stuck especially deep when I called my Mom for the first time in about a month and she responded with, "LeAnna, myy LeAnna?! Could it be?" Thanks for the sarcasm, Mom... but yeah. Sorry :( I still need to call my Dad- I think that's a three month communication-less-connection. Aach- will I ever improve?
Well, the fact that I just finished my 21 page research paper and I completed my three page paper early has led me to respond to the rest of the universe for the first time in a little while.
I recently discovered that I spend an amazing amount of time on facebook. The thought at first dissapointed me, but then I thought - what an easy way to keep in touch! Fabulous! Beautiful! Bonito! Bravissimo! Hmmm.... but wait... is there a deeper, more sinister truth lurking below the surface? Perhaps.
Facebook is quick and easy (ok, so relatively quick, but mostly time consuming because I choose to make lots of "quick stops" which turn into "one more update"....). What happened to my great longing to put pen to paper and let ink flow across the continental divide to my friends and family at home. Beyond that, my friends overseas haven't heard from me in ages! Guilt. Condemnation. Ok, right, not from God. ok.....
So, I've decided that I WILL spend a portion of my hard-earned two week Christmas break penning and sending letters. If you would like, I will send you one (just give me your address). I'm determined, and hopefully can break the spell of the shiftless communication cycle of my college sophomore year.
I'm alive, doing well. Desperately in love with two men (thankfully one is God, which eliminates a freaky love-triangle thing... this one isn't freaky-hee hee- see photo). I miss the mountains, but am growing a deeper connection with the hills. I still find funny phrase issues - like dressers are called drawers here! I'm allergic to wheat now. I still have the same roommate. I lived with the college president this summer. I'm the photography manager at work. I'm going to try to major in international studies. I baked 4 pies yesterday. I was voted homecoming princess of the college (see photo). I have an amazing church where I'm on the dance team. I need to do laundry (a constant state of being). I cut my hair and gave it to locks of love- now its short again!