Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Ukraine Update- 12/27/05

Just FOUR days to go and....
I am all paid!! By far, my best Christmas present was finding out that my leaders’ had more money for the trip than they needed, and that I could use it! Praise Abba! So now, I am totally free from any worry or stress about it! God has been so good to me- please pray that I can be faithful with what I have. Thank you all so much for your prayers and financial support- I truly couldn’t do this without you!
There’s a concept that I want to get across, but I’m not exactly sure how. Here goes…
When someone gives me money to go to Ukraine, I see it as them sending a part of themselves with it… but I have to be faithful to get that blessing across to the people that I minister to. It’s almost like my accountability when I’m there. I hope this doesn’t sound strange or perfectionistic (maybe it is). When others bless me, I want to be able to bless others in the same amount. I hope this encourages those of you who have blessed me with finances.
I leave from Sea-Tac (Seattle) airport this Saturday, the 31st, at noon.
I still haven’t packed
I’m not sure of what God is calling me to do this trip.
My sister, DeLynn is coming home the 1st.
I am nervous about leaving my family for that long… especially my Mom.
I still don’t know much about the youth puppeteer team coming from Virginia. I most likely won’t know anything more until I get there.
That God would speak to me about my life’s direction and the long-term purposes He has for me.
Please also pray that I would be open to whatever God would have me to do. It’s hard for me to not have a “main focus”

THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I covet your prayers (I think that’s okay) and I am excited to bring the blessings you’ve bestowed on me to the children and families of Ukraine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.