Saturday, December 31, 2005

Ukraine Update- 12/31/05

Well, my bag is packed, and I'm almost ready to go. Notice, "bag" is singular : ) I'm taking three... oh well, It will get done!
God has been so good to me. He has taken away my fear and given me peace. I'm okay with not knowing what i'm doing in Ukraine, who the other team is, or even which orphanages we're going to!
Last night, we had a prayer meeting at my house. It was great to have so many warriors under our roof! God showed up in a powerful way and many words were spoken over me, my team, and our trip. I'm so excited to see what miracles God will perform this time! He has been so faithful, and I can count on Him to continue being the same : )
Once more, thank you for all your prayers and words of encouragement. I wouldn't be able to do this without the body of Christ behind me. You all have been ministers of God's loving kindness towards me- thank you for that.
Right now, I basically only know my flights... so here they are:
12.31.05 - leave Centralia at 7:45
- flight leaves at 12:00 from Sea-tac airport
12.31.05 to 01.01.06 Looong flight to Amsterdam, Netherlands
01.01.06 - 2 hour layover in Amst. airport (Jane says we'll have to run across the humungo airport to get to our gate in time... but we'll see... I myself would rather skip : )
01.01.06 - flight to Borispol, Ukraine (about 20 minutes from Kiev)
after that, I'm clueless! (Thanks for your peace God!)
All I know after that is that we leave Ukraine for Amsterdam on the 13th or 14th.
We'll spend the night in Amsterdam (I'm pushing for a night taxi-tour), and then leave for Seattle in the morning.

So that's what I know for now! Hopefully, I will have internet access in Vinnitsa (our #2 base). So, if that happens I can give an update.
May God's grace and peace go ahead of you and rest upon you. I love you all and am praying for you too. I look forward to seeing you all when I get back!


Anonymous said...

LeAnna! You are such an amazing woman of God! I am humbled! WOW! Paul's words to Timothy in II TImothy 4:12 are embodied in you!! I pray that as you head off to Ukraine, the God of all grace, wisdom, and peace will be with you, and within you! Mayb His light shine in and through you in all you say and do! Travel safely, and have a wonderful, blessed time!!

Anonymous said...

Hey LeAnna! I'm praying for you as you go to Ukraine... I know that it's going to be an awesome time of seeing God work. Have a great time and safe travel; you're in my prayers!

Dave Baldwin said...

Dear LeAnna,
I am a pastor in MD. I was surfing the Blogs looking for citations about Vinnitsa. I ran across yours. I have been to Ukraine 19 times and to Vinnitsa 18 of those trips. What a great adventure you have before you.
May the Lord open your heart to what He has for you to learn there.
Many Blessings,

Dave Baldwin