Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Home now....

I've been meaning to send out one of those “I’m home” email... due to a variety of excuses both creative and lame, I haven’t gotten around to it. I have to say though, it is fun to surprise people and say "I'm home!!" but maybe our flourishing "grapevine" in my community isn't the BEST way to get the news across :) Re-adjusting is going okay... somehow though, I've managed to make myself extremely busy once again- but I'm trying hard not to continue... today I stayed in bed until 1!!! After experiencing "delayed-jetlag" (probably due to the fact that I have only gone to bed before 12 once since coming home), I decided I needed it. Actually, the general consensus around these parts is shock at how good I'm doing... not much culture shock. lol... maybe that means I'm "cut-out-for-it" as Mom said, but I like to think it's the grace of God (really it's that either way). I am realizing how much of a sacrifice it's going to be to keep up on my relationships- both with God and DTS friends... I'm afraid both have kind of been put on the "I'm-tired-and-can't-be-bothered" back burner. Accountability, anyone?!? – Definitely a hard thing about not living in that tight Holmsted Community! Well, this was a bit over a one-liner, and definitely not as long as it should be, but oh well! :) God bless!!

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