Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Well, as of a few days ago, I have raised over $800... not including my own money... if you add that all up, I have a total of $1,242.91!!! Thank you Jesus! I sent out my support letters, and am planning a car wash and garage sale, so hopefully I will get most of my money in soon!!
I think my plane ticket was purchased yesterday! Hooray! I fly out of Portland, OR on the 19th and arrive in London on the 20th. I'm still planning on staying with my soon-to-be-brother-in-law's-brother Solomon. I'm really excited about getting to know a piece of my new family!

Prayer Requests:
Please pray for my family (especially my mom) we are having a bit of a crisis period right now.

That the garage sale/car wash/possible and possibly a 2-man play fundraisers all go smoothly and the planning is easy.

The company I work for is dissolving the last day of August. I was hoping to finish before that so that I would have lots of time to prepare for my trip, but this is the way it worked out. Please pray that two weeks (about) will be enough for me to prepare.

All and any prayers are GREATLY appreciated! Thank you so much for all your support!

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