Friday, August 25, 2006

In recent news...

So recently it has definitely been a struggle between the desire to give up- quit my job, abandon the DTS, stop going anywhere, and just stay home and sleep... Fortunately, the song "It's gonna be worth it" has been going through my head, too. : ) Seriously though, it has been very tough to stick to what I believe God has led me to do and confirmed it when there are people around telling me not to do it because I haven't raised all my money yet. *Grin* that old saying, "if you don't have anything good to say, then don't say anything at all," definitely applies :)
God has been good to me, though. I know He keeps me in the palm of His hand at all times. Right now I am so thankful that He has a hope and a future for me- beyond what I can see now. Thank you Jesus!!
More general news...
Financial status:
raised: $1,797
still needed: $4,059

:) Thank you so much to all of you who have faithfully prayed for and finanically supported me. It is so encouraging when someone sends me a check for even $10, because I know it is from their heart and accompanying lots of prayer. Thank you all. I am praying for you, too!

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