Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Yay! 7 days left!

Wow! Tee minus 7 days and counting! My plane takes off on the 19th from Portland,OR at 11:30~ then after a quick flight change in Ohio (yay! one more 'I've been there' checkmark!) and I will (prayerfully) arrive at Gatwick airport on September 20th.
Right now, I'm feeling excited, but a bit uneasy about it still :) This will be my first time on a plane alone :)
My garage sale went very well!! I raised about $220! Thank you Jesus!
Hopefully I will still be able to do a carwash before I leave, but the opportunity is slimming...
I'm not sure how it works if I don't have all my money in before the DTS start date, but I'm leaving it all in God's hands. As of right now, I have $3,187 and stll need $2,669. God has been so faithful, and I'm continually surrenduring my situation to Him.
I've been very encouraged recently, though, by people sending/giving me money when I thought for sure they had forgotten about me :) GOD IS SO GOOD!!
Thank you all for your prayers! God bless!

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