Monday, January 22, 2007

Update, anyone?!?

Wow... I am soooo sorry I have been so negligent in updating this blog. It's amazing how fast this time has been going and how much has happened since I've been here. I think I will put snippets of emails I've either recieved or sent out. That will hopefully give you a small idea of what has been happening in my life recently!
So, right now I am in Albania on the 2nd half of DTS - outreach phase :) We've been here for a month and will be here for one more month. When I am done in Albania, we fly back to our base (Holmsted Manor!!!) in the south of England for a debrief week... Also, it will be a reunion with our other 1/2 of the DTS students... they have been on outreach in several locations in Malaysia and Indonesia. It has been hard in some ways that I have been here in Albania instead of there... but God's ways are higher than mine and I have been learning a lot about perseverance and about myself and relationships... Probably a lot more about those things than I would have if I had been on outreach in Indonesia and Malaysia. GOD IS GOOD

Our Beautiful Home City in Albania: ELBASAN!!

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