Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Open Air - Journal Excerpt

Today we had worship with the YWAMers and then one more open air in the lager (Gypsy community) at the church. We put all the pews out in the front lawn and then started praying for people to come! :)
They did, of course, and we had some women there this time, too! We did the Redeemer skit, some testimonies, and songs.
Afterwards, one of the Gypsy ladies said she had really been impacted by Redeemer- that she thought she had been a Chrisian before seeing it, but wasn't and that she really saw how much Jesus had done for her- Praise God!!
I think we all walked away with a sense of accomplishment- hmm... I wonder if that sounds bad. It sounds like people are our projects... not my heart though. It's just so good to see very obvious fruit of what God has been doing though us here.

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