Sunday, April 22, 2007

Internet. Today. Tired.

Me, before going online to sell stuff on Craig's List:

One word. Dial-up. Grrr... it is the bane of my existence right now. I tried to get on Qwest to check out DSL, but my internet was so slow it wouldn't work! Ironic, huh? :)

I'm trying to sell a bunch of stuff for my grandma on Craig's List. It's not going so well. It takes forever to upload anything, and I have the feeling not many people look on Craig's list. Hmmm... I think I may have to give up soon and join Ebay. Maybe then I can make some money. Well, if any of you are looking for a basketball hoop, Milk glass serving dish, Carpenters record, or one of the other random items I have for sale, please email me! Or better yet, buy it on Craig's List!! :)

Me: After going online to sell stuff on Craig's List... (about 5 hours later)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think it says it all about Craig's List. As a serial Ebay addict, I must confess that I have not even ever heard of it, so it must be quite a small operation. Yes, with my towering 336 feedback rating, I can definitely recommend it. It is a little bit complicated at first, but once you get the hang of it, you will want to do anything to drive up that score.

Mwah har har! By the way, should that hoody be familiar? It looks like I have seen it somewhere before... Incidentally, I love the picture with your little niece.
