Sunday, August 03, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
O The Deep, Deep Love of Jesus

After a long, frustrating job search, I’m now a “loss prevention detective” (aka shop-lifter-stopper-person). :) My department had no manager for my first week, and so starting off was pretty chaotic. I mostly just cleaned the office and helped catch up on paperwork (the guys I work with don’t exactly thrive on office work like I do!). But now the new “lead” has arrived, and over the past two weeks, Daniel, Rick and I have gotten to know each other. I’ve been surprised by how much fun I’ve managed to have! We’re usually teasing each other about something or the other… it’s refreshing to have a good balance between getting work done and goofing off.
My routine family craziness has managed to settle down a bit. As of late, there are no crisis to report *can everyone say, ‘hallelujah!!!’* Our household has become smoother as of late- DeLynn moved out (not under the best of terms, but children grow up and make their own decisions and have to face the consequences…) Grandma’s getting more used to people ;) and we’re getting more used to her strangely wonderful obsessions with all things plantlike and political. Victoria’s just been elected not only the president of the Fresh W.F. west class, but also president of her FFA club! (hmmm… taking after someone? jk). A week ago, I got to go to Aaron’s “pinning ceremony” (similar to graduation) from the medical careers program that he’s been in. Mom’s still trucking along at housekeeping, and every once in a while I’ll go with her and it’s fun to be working together again… Laci (my roommate) is a major exception to that “calm” factor ;) She and I have bonded in dangerous ways that we are both sworn to secrecy on… HA! Seriously, I don’t think you would WANT to know!!!!
There isn’t heaps more right now… like I said, the craziness has finally found some sort of settling. It’s really strange. :) I want to be able to just bask in the restfulness of it all, but I can’t help thinking this is the eye of the storm with me going to college this fall (I just found out I probably can’t register for fall classes till a few days before they start! Crazy? I think yes!)
But, I’m trusting God, working on taming my tongue, leading worship at Mars Hill Centralia, and living life. Recently, I’ve spent lots of time missing England and the people I love there… I still am not sure what God has in store for me on that front, but I keep telling myself that patience is a virtue (go figure). (and speaking of going, I read an awesome blog entry on waiting tonight… If you have time, definitely check it out… it’s shorter than mine! Lol ) On that note, I will bid you all adieu and thank you for reading my slightly long entry. Hope I didn’t bore you and that you feel a bit more a part of the slightly-less-than-usually-crazy happenings in the “crazy Kaiser universe” (credit goes out to Joseph Lloyd for that one…)
Saturday, April 19, 2008
The Here and Now

I'm sort of in an odd spot right now. Starting in January, when I realized I wasn't going back to YWAM Las Vegas, I applied to a HUGE amount of jobs (for which I was qualified for) and didn't get any job offers other than long-term ones or a far away one. When that wasn't working out, I decided to try to see if I could get into the spring college term in my town.Through a whole bunch of things, I realized that none of this was what God was really wanting me to do. I was running away from him by shuffling my feet like crazy- trying to find that "thing" that God wanted me to do. The reality was, God didn't want me to "do" anything.... just "be." It's a concept I've struggled with for my entire Christian life (yeah, so since I was six. lol).I've always tended to be an over-achiever and someone always trying to help do something or be better at something.God's been convicting me that, when those things take the focus off him, it's sin. (lol... duh, right?!)Yeah. ouch. not a fun realization that my common mentality is basically inately sinful.......So, I'm taking time to focus on being.... my family is really messed up, and I've taken the "stable person" role (which, if you know me well, is in itself pretty much hilarious!), so that takes up a big part of my mission focus right now :)In my forseeable future is lots of odd jobs, building things with my "dad" (we just finished a deck!), watching my niece most weeks, cleaning our house, improving my cooking skills, leading worship at church, and being as real with God and my circle of influence as possible :)....this is just a bit of a glimpse into more of who I am and where I'm at in this current moment :)

Friday, February 08, 2008
Dreams Differed

. Well, it’s been awhile since my last correspondence, and an update is certainly needed!
Since returning from Las Vegas and from my short trip to England, God has been doing some major work in my heart. At the time of my last update, I was planning on going back to Vegas until fall. However, God has re-guided my steps and I will be staying at home for a season. I’m not sure what God has in store for this upcoming year, but I am taking steps toward getting a job and pursuing a career in the education field.
Since returning from Las Vegas and from my short trip to England, God has been doing some major work in my heart. At the time of my last update, I was planning on going back to Vegas until fall. However, God has re-guided my steps and I will be staying at home for a season. I’m not sure what God has in store for this upcoming year, but I am taking steps toward getting a job and pursuing a career in the education field.
. Thank you to all who have kept me in their prayers- they have been much needed and appreciated! Right now there are many opportunities to be a missionary here at home, and I am definitely staying busy!
. My Grandma Oldenburg just went through back surgery this week and has moved in with us for a few months. After she's recovered, she'll move back to get her house ready to sell before moving in with us permanently. There's lots of stress associated with these circumstances, and it's only by God's grace that it's going smoothly! At my current job, I'm making friends and being able to challenge them in their beliefs about God, religion, and morality. It's exciting and a bit scary to enter into these conversations with people I'm going to continue to see around the community- instead of people I meet in foreign countries who I'll probably never see again. God has been challenging me to live missionally and with my eyes latched on Him.
. If you would like additional updates on my current state, I'm going to try to add things to this blog occasionally. I would also love to hear from any of you with prayer requests or hellos! My email is
. God bless you, and may your new year be filled with the constant appreciation of His love for you.
. God bless you, and may your new year be filled with the constant appreciation of His love for you.
~LeAnna Rae
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