. Well, it’s been awhile since my last correspondence, and an update is certainly needed!
Since returning from Las Vegas and from my short trip to England, God has been doing some major work in my heart. At the time of my last update, I was planning on going back to Vegas until fall. However, God has re-guided my steps and I will be staying at home for a season. I’m not sure what God has in store for this upcoming year, but I am taking steps toward getting a job and pursuing a career in the education field.
Since returning from Las Vegas and from my short trip to England, God has been doing some major work in my heart. At the time of my last update, I was planning on going back to Vegas until fall. However, God has re-guided my steps and I will be staying at home for a season. I’m not sure what God has in store for this upcoming year, but I am taking steps toward getting a job and pursuing a career in the education field.
. Thank you to all who have kept me in their prayers- they have been much needed and appreciated! Right now there are many opportunities to be a missionary here at home, and I am definitely staying busy!
. My Grandma Oldenburg just went through back surgery this week and has moved in with us for a few months. After she's recovered, she'll move back to get her house ready to sell before moving in with us permanently. There's lots of stress associated with these circumstances, and it's only by God's grace that it's going smoothly! At my current job, I'm making friends and being able to challenge them in their beliefs about God, religion, and morality. It's exciting and a bit scary to enter into these conversations with people I'm going to continue to see around the community- instead of people I meet in foreign countries who I'll probably never see again. God has been challenging me to live missionally and with my eyes latched on Him.
. If you would like additional updates on my current state, I'm going to try to add things to this blog occasionally. I would also love to hear from any of you with prayer requests or hellos! My email is leanna.rae@gmail.com
. God bless you, and may your new year be filled with the constant appreciation of His love for you.
. God bless you, and may your new year be filled with the constant appreciation of His love for you.
~LeAnna Rae
You inspire me, LeAnna! You're in my prayers!
Leanna, You're great! I sure love you! I have been praying for you this past week about what we talked about and also because you've been on my heart. If you get a chance to email I'd love to talk! Extra Mom, Sue
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