Saturday, July 22, 2006

this is an audio post - click to play

senior pictures

At graduation - it was all I could do not to cry when it was my turn to go on stage and recieve my diploma! Talk about a daydream feeling!

This is one of my senior pictures. Although it was taken just a few months ago, my hair is about 3 or 4 inches longer already!

Recent pic of Victoria and I

Okay, I PROMISE it was safe Mom.... lol

Thursday, July 20, 2006


Hey - news....
I have sortofkindof made plans for London... my soon-to-be-brother-in-law's brother Solomon lives there (he's an unmarried, 30ish? youth pastor) and he says I can stay with him or someone from his youth group
I haven't actually communicated with him first hand yet, but soon I will be able to :) I've been trying to figure it out this way:
Moses talks to Solomon (aka Saul) then Moses talks to DeLynn, then DeLynn talks to my Mom, then Mom talks to me.
Needless to say, things haven't been getting done very quickly :) God is continually stretching my thinking and faith. I am so happy to have a smile on my face and a song in my heart! (sounds cheesy, but that's the way it is)
So anyhow, I have to get my plans firmed up a bit and then I will let you all know what's happening! Thank you so much for all your prayers and thoughts! I love y'all!

Missions Update

Roll your works upon the Lord- commit and trust them wholly to Him; He will cause your thoughts to become agreeable to his will, and so shall your plans be established and succeed. – Proverbs 16:3

Dear Friends and Family,
Thank you so much for all your prayers and support as I have gone on mission trips over the past few years. God has used your contributions to change my life and to birth a dream and a vision in my life.
I recently returned a mission trip in California with my church. It was an awesome trip – God moved in miraculous ways so many times. One of the biggest things He did in my life was to speak to me about the calling He has placed on my life. He used someone who didn’t even know me to speak prophetically about my call to missions and children. God’s powerful love and grace make me laugh!! He has been so good to me- providing funds for my past trips even when I was fearful and scared.
My mom shared the above verse with me a few months ago, but it has defined everything in my life since then. I have so many dreams and things that I want to do, but as long as they are just “my” dreams and “my” calling, they won’t happen. It is God who is giving me dreams and it is Him calling me to minister in foreign missions.
Part of that calling is rapidly approaching!! I will be leaving for a Discipleship Training School with a Christian missions organization, YWAM (Youth With a Mission) in September. It’s hard to believe that I have only two months to prepare and to raise all the needed funds! Right now I am so thankful that God doesn’t rely on our time schedule to work!
So I’ve gotten my shots, checked my passport, and looked for a plane ticket (which hopefully I will buy in the next few days!) But more than just the physical changes, God has been changing my heart and preparing me to “go into all the world” for His glory.
A big part of that heart change has been trusting in God and giving everything to Him. He has given me the ability to laugh at the fact that I have to raise over $5,000 dollars over the next two months. The awesomeness of God is truly overwhelming, isn’t it!?
I am so excited to be taking off on this new adventure- I will be gone for a minimum of 6 months, but right now I am seriously considering going on an optional “small teams” outreach after the DTS- to India. Please pray with me about this possibility. Part of the prophetic word that I received on my trip was that I would be ministering to India and Africa – two countries that I have a deep desire to go to! However, I am praying for His timing in all things.
So, there are just some of the thoughts and prayers milling through my heart… I would love to share more of what God is doing in my heart – if you want to hear more, just email me or call me and I would love to talk!
If you would, please prayerfully consider giving a contribution to my trip. Like I said, I need over $5,000 for the lecture phase(first three months). If you feel led to give, please send your donation directly to me (I was not able to make your contributions tax-deductible- sorry!). Thank you so much for allowing yourself to be used by God – many people will be blessed by your gifts and prayers! God bless you!!

Below are some quick facts about my trip:
· Arrive in London: sometime around the 20th and try to get over jet lag until my DTS starts J
· School starts: September 23, 2006
· A DTS is broken into two phases; lecture and outreach
· Ends: February 24th, 2007
· Average English temp for my stay: 45ºf and 07ºc
· Accommodation: Dormitory style 8-12 people in bunk beds per room (PRAY FOR ME!!)
· Base name & location: Holmsted Manor; Cuckfield, West Sussex, England
· Base distance from London: Approximately one hour south from London
· Base climate: Lush English countryside (emphasis on country J)
· Base website (it’s so beautiful there!):

My address and phone number there will be:

LeAnna Kaiser
c/o YWAM – Holmsted Manor
Staplefield Road
West Sussex RH17 5JF

(+44) 1444 472 728 and (+44) 1444 472 729
If you call, they ask that it be between 6 and 7:45pm and after 9:15 pm on weekdays during the weekend. or anytime during the weekend.

I will have access to my email there (in a very limited wayJ) so please, please, please email me your email address to get updates during my trip!

Thank you so much for all your prayers and support! I love you all and am praying for you!
- LeAnna Kaiser