Thursday, November 23, 2006


Something I'm thankful for : TINASHE CHIEDZA-JOY MAGURA!

Thanksgiving day I was helping out with decorations. All us Americans were trying to make it extra-special for the non-US people there. :) I went outside and clipped a ton of big branches to make "bush" things for decorating the dining room. Then I helped set up tables and prettify stuff.... then I was called into the kitchen to make cranberry sauce... then, by the time I got it into bowls and put it on tables, I had 15 minutes to get dressed, shower, and fix my hair!! (lol... not necessarily in that order) So I jumped in the shower, and got my hair done in about 3 minutes afterwards! (I don't ever want to spend tons of time on an updo again! lol).... then the hardest part began- getting dressed!! I had nothing to wear (literally, okay?!? lol), so I tried to borrow something from one girl... she didn't have anything that wasn't unmatching my skirts or modest enough. So then, another girl in that room showed me some stuff- but it didn't work either!! (okay, this whole time I was basically in a skirt and… umm, well actually considering that both boys and girls will be reading this, never mind :) lol) Then, I gave up and went to my room to put on my basically one outfit that's nice (Then, on the way, I snagged one of the staff and asked if she had anything. She got very excited :) lol and showed me all her lovely winter sweaters... none of which matched :( :) lol... then, she remembered her summer clothes that were packed in a backpack to take home on the weekend (to Sweden).... lol... so I ended up wearing a really pretty spaghetti strap tank top that she had lol.... looooong story ,sorry!! :)
It was fun, though! :) Thanksgiving was a good thing to do- it still didn’t feel like Home-style, but it was a lot of fun :)

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Long weekend: Bible and Soul

Souls' House:

I'm at Souls for “long weekend" right now. (it's kind of like a half-way break) I definitely need a break! My brain is so full; I don't think I could absorb any more lectures without a break! Please pray that it is a restful time here and that I get rejuvenated :) I've been doing a lot of collaging and paper-scrap collecting I think my addiction is getting more developed!!! Another addiction I'm working on... reading the Bible! Please pray that God increases my hunger for His word. I
read almost 3 hours today!!! I don't know the last time I did that- and it was actually really good (even though it was mainly Gen and Lev!) I've started a challenge with some friends from my small group – to read the entire Bible through by the end of DTS... it's pretty doable when you break it down. Approximately an hour a day. So we've decided (two or three of us on average) to get up every morning (except this might change on weekends) at 6:30 and read for a half hour out loud to each other- we started on Leviticus since we knew it's a difficult book to read. Maybe we'll conquer another long book next... hmm... At night, we all read silently for a half hour (for me it's amazingly easier if I do even silent reading with a group of people!) I'm really hoping this keeps up and that I don't give into the temptation to quit.... [in hind-sight] It got really hard towards the end to get up so early and to maintain time for reading. I think the last few weeks before outreach were spotted reading mainly… but God continued working in my heart about it!! (more later)
[In Hind-sight] I didn’t get much sleep on long weekend, we were always doing stuff, but it was soo good and I felt okay with going back to Holmsted… which, at that stage was a HUGE deal for me! Praise God!

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Lecture Phase Update - Novemberish

I've made up a phrase for how DTS hurts in a good way…. Jesus pain!! :) I'm having a lot of that, but God is moving in my life :) Relationships with other people on the base are a bit rocky right now, but I'm praying that God smoothes it out! :) One good relational thing: I had a crazy cheesecake fight with some leftovers from lunch's dessert; such a waste, but oh so fun!!! :) Now THAT is relationship building! Lol We are always so busy here, so I'm realizing I have to be very purposeful in my relational building (notice I said "realizing" not doing… hmmm…). I know this will be important once I'm at home, too!
DTS has been up and down- sometimes it's amazing, sometimes it's difficult.. God is both teaching me TONS and helping me review stuff- Some of my ideas are becoming life things instead of just mental... One major thing God has been teaching me is about my Identity in Him- I've realized that a lot of my issues sprout from my misconstrued view of myself. Please pray that my heart follows my head in this new revelation... it's easy to say God not only loves me; He likes me, and another to feel it in my heart. I still have no idea about what I'm doing after DTS, but right now I'm COMPLETELY fine with that! I'm not sure I could handle more stuff :) lol.. God knows me so well :)