I'm at Souls for “long weekend" right now. (it's kind of like a half-way break) I definitely need a break! My brain is so full; I don't think I could absorb any more lectures without a break! Please pray that it is a restful time here and that I get rejuvenated :) I've been doing a lot of collaging and paper-scrap collecting I think my addiction is getting more developed!!! Another addiction I'm working on... reading the Bible! Please pray that God increases my hunger for His word. I
read almost 3 hours today!!! I don't know the last time I did that- and it was actually really good (even though it was mainly Gen and Lev!) I've started a challenge with some friends from my small group – to read the entire Bible through by the end of DTS... it's pretty doable when you break it down. Approximately an hour a day. So we've decided (two or three of us on average) to get up every morning (except this might change on weekends) at 6:30 and read for a half hour out loud to each other- we started on Leviticus since we knew it's a difficult book to read. Maybe we'll conquer another long book next... hmm... At night, we all read silently for a half hour (for me it's amazingly easier if I do even silent reading with a group of people!) I'm really hoping this keeps up and that I don't give into the temptation to quit.... [in hind-sight] It got really hard towards the end to get up so early and to maintain time for reading. I think the last few weeks before outreach were spotted reading mainly… but God continued working in my heart about it!! (more later)
[In Hind-sight] I didn’t get much sleep on long weekend, we were always doing stuff, but it was soo good and I felt okay with going back to Holmsted… which, at that stage was a HUGE deal for me! Praise God!
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