I am at Soul's right now (lol) He got a new fancy-schmancy Italian car, so he was very happy to come down late on Friday night and pick me up from Holmsted. Our local outreach went really well. We do it at an Immigration detention center. It’s basically a service for the people there. This time, it was my turn to preach! God really used my testimony of the past few years and the hardships I’ve been through (esp. w/divorce stuff) to touch many people.... :) For my first time preaching, God really blessed me!! lol... after I finished I realized how alike DeLynn and I are in our public speaking mannerisms.... I jumped around a lot and waved my arms (lol) and.... ready for this???.... I realized I'm a shouter!! Not a yeller, but I definitely raised my voice a lot in my sermon! lol.... I spoke on how God has taught me through my hard experiences- mainly perseverance and his outrageous crazy love... with the gospel mixed in. I really felt God's love coursing through me as I spoke... It wasn't me- it wasn't my written-in-an-hour sermon. It was GOD. It was such a cool fear-banishing experience!!
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Hello from new jersey
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