Friday, February 02, 2007

A Not so Normal Day in the Life.... Journal Excerpt

- Wow! It’s Februrary! Time has gone so fast! Today I’m in a funk mood. It’s our “Historic Tour of Elbesan” day, but I do NOT want to go. I feel sad and left out.
The Orthodox church on our tour was cool, though… very pretty. As for the museum… well, I’d rather not talk about that.
- Boot shopping with the 3 Jolly Caribbeans! I bought some stylish high-heeled ones! Whoop, Whoop!
- Romas- Lauren spoke on the Great Commission. It was good.
- Watched “Holiday” that evening. Bad acting, pretty lame story, choppy scene editing, but I really liked it! It was certainly an odd experience… sitting in a cushy theatre chair, in a huge, nearly empty theatre, with large schip (Albania) subtitles fuzzing half of the picture, while the few Albanian men in the theatre laughed because the titles were off-sync with the film :)
When it was over, mostly everyone walked home balking at how ridiculous the film had veen, but a few of us liked it :)
- A spot of cake, then bed!

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