Macedonia was AMAZING! We all had a really, really great time and enjoyed the scenery (and the shopping) immensely... The city is on the side of one of the most ancient lakes in Europe (so says a Macedonian man we met who became our impromptu tour guide on two occasions!) and is surrounded by mountains. It's so gorgeous! There is a castle/fortress on top of a hill, and walking around the cobbled streets just makes me feel like I'm in such an old place. It's crazy to think of all the history that has happened on those streets and in those places! :) We went to a church there that was one of the first to open up and be "legal" during the beginning of Constantine's reign. Really interesting stuff!! :) Lana had a splendid time checking out the many, many jewellery shops there- apparently there are pearl producing-oysters in the lake, so there is a lot of gorgeous jewellery as a result :) I have to admit, I bought some stuff myself- all at bargain prices as well! (which just makes it that much better... lol) So, we are back in Elbesan and at our cold flat, but even though we are tired, we walk with joy and are looking forward to meeting up with team Indonesia in England in just a few days!!!

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