I had a chat with the girl, Cherry, who coordinates Year for God... the program is like a year-long DTS. I initially wanted to do that instead of just a 6 month one. Cherry’s trying to find (well, praying to find, anyways...) a replacement. Listening to her talk about her job and asking her questions was interesting..... it sounds so like me- like what I'm good at, what I love, and what God's gifted me in- all rolled together... I have a desire to do it, but at the same time, I know that this is not the time. Next year might be (smile) but not now. And I have complete peace with that- I would be so excited to do it, but I really, really want to do what God wants me to. The whole year is only about £200 a month and that adds up to about the same price as DTS! And, I would get to visit the students in the countries they're at for about a week or two at each place (depending on how many students, there can be several countries) Anyhow... it's just a thought right now :)
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