Wednesday, May 09, 2007

My Current State of Mind

I just had another friend leave for missions overseas...I'm so happy for her, but a small part of me wishes I was with her! But God has me here, and I'm learning to trust Him in trusting others for their timing for me to do what God's telling me to. Wow, not that THAT makes any sense, but oh well :) Basically, I'm still waiting for a go/no go answer from Las Vegas. I think, though, that the thing holding it up is my pastoral reference form- I have an inkling they haven't turned it in yet....
Right now, I'm at peace, but I think,"I should be really freaked out right now about this. Maybe my non-stressing is a BAD sign... maybe I'm not really supposed to do this. Maybe I don't care about it enough..." But then I think, well, all those things could be possibilities, but God told me to take the step and apply and to "do" mission adventures. That's what I'm trying to do right now, and HE hasn't told me to stop... so, I can only continue plodding on, doing what God guides me to...whoever said following God was safe was nuts :)

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