Wednesday, May 09, 2007

So What is Mission Adventures?!?

Hey, for everyone wanting more information on Mission Adventures (MA), this is basically all I have (and all they gave me!)…

The Dates for summer staff are June 9th- July 31st (but I might stay on afterwards)
The cost is $399 for the 7 weeks. This includes all food and housing. (Not a plane ticket :( unfortunately!)
The goal of Mission Adventure is to offer a “full-service” mission experience, meaning we take care of the details so that the teams can do the ministry. We prepare the food, do the housekeeping, accompany the teams on all outreaches, oversee work duties, drama training, and smallgroups etc. Everyone does not necessarily do everything, so the day is not really as daunting as it looks. Each staff member has a primary area of responsibility and then other main functions.
The teams are here Saturday through Friday mornings.Summer staff is challenging, stretching, but definitely rewarding. For many of the students coming through it’s their first missions trip andit’s really cool to see God impact their own lives as the step out andallow God to use them to impact others’.

So.... are you excited for me!! :)

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