Today I ate lunch with a homeless man named Edward. I found him in a park. He was really cool- alcoholic, retired Army sargent, and country western singer! Richard and I teamed up to talk to him about God and just life. It was really fun, and at the same time incredibly sad. It's hard to release people like that into God's hands sometimes.
After chatting it up with Edward and Richard (such classy names!), we all had a water fight... well, sort of. Actually, the guys grabbed Kati and Laura and carried them across the park to the water fountain/play area and dunked them in... next they came after me, but I fought them off until we were all completely exhausted... and I was absolutely dirty from flailing on the ground and fighting them off with my teeth (not quite, but that sounds good. lol)... after aslight period of recovery, they grabbed Laura again, and I followed them over to the fountain- laughing... but then, Kevin came at me again I held onto a metal fence around the play area- Kevin tried prying my fingers off, but it only worked when he got a little kid to throw this huge thing of water at me from the other side of the fence... then, blind with rage (lol...), they managed to get me completely wet. Later on, Sam threw a bunch of water at me, and I got this really mean expression on my face and took off at him screaming. LOL- boy was he scared!!! And I totally would have gotten him, too... if I hadn't been barefoot. :) Anyways, it was a pretty fun time, but I was verrrrryy dirty and wet afterwards!
Thursday, June 14, 2007
June 14, 2007
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
June 13, 07
Today we did evangelism on the strip- starting conversations with a "belief survey," and with a really big wooden cross that we took turns carrying. It was cool, but sometimes sad. I talked to a lady that said that if God was reall and loving, she didn't want him to be her best friend because it would be "Too close" and she didn't want to face all her faults. So hopeless....
Anyways, sorry for that slightly sad note ending.... I asked some of the guys in the office for some “happy things”, and this is what they came up with: "a child blowing bubbles in a forest." Yeah- and this is what I get to deal with on a daily basis!! Lol…
Oh another happy note: I spent three hours tonight in the hot outside heat, catching up on my journaling and talking to God. I was really hot and wiped when I was done, but it was totally worth it! :)
Sunday, June 10, 2007
June 10, 07
uummm.... I can't really think of anything to say. My hand hurts- my blister's still there... and I used my hand (including that burned fingertip) to play the guitar for over 4 hours today! Kevin and I had to practice for worship, and it took FOREVER because he's ADD and has a hard time focusing on the task... Thank you for grace, Lord- I need all of it I can get!!
So basically, my hand hurts and I've been fighting off bad moods today... but God is GOOOD
Sorry this is such a boring update!
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Watch out! LeAnna's in Vegas!

HOOORAYYY!!! I'm in Vegas now, and I've survived the first week! The spiritual climate here is really heavy- but it's not just a "heavy" heavy- it's a heaviness that sticks to you- that tries to infiltrate every fiber of your being... I don't usually have the gift of discernment, but when I flew into the airport here, it was all I could do to keep my prayers under my breath and not start shouting prayers of intercession for myself and this city that the enemy has such a hold on. Definitely an interesting "welcome"! Inside the airport, I got a friendlier one, though... and I'm not talking about all the porn (soft and non) shouting at me pictorally. Three of my fellow Mission Adventure leadership team members were there to meet me. Kevin- the main leader (who's absolutely cooky and has sweet taste in music), Kati - who's from Finland, and a TON of fun, and then Richard- from Sussex, England. He's an interesting guy- lots of tattooes, smokes, gambles- pretty sweet, actually. Later on, Laura from Colorado joined us- spunky and reallllly goofy... she adds a lot of spice to the group... then JD arrived- self-proclaimed "spiritual person" with an amazingly awesome moustachio :) He's from Oklahoma!So with all our group together, we've done a few bonding things over the past few days- pool time, walking around, movie, morning meetings, "get to know you" games, and shopping! I'm excited for the summer... things aren't crazy yet because kids haven't arrived... but when they do, I'm hoping I don't go mad!!! :)

Laura, Kati, and I goofing off! :)
Friday, June 08, 2007
June 8, 07
Today it's been hot. Me and the other girls went up to the roof to "tan" lol... we got bored, but had a nice time laughing and talking about body fat together!! Definitely good female bonding time.
I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned it before, but there’s a huge shopping mall just straight across the parking lot. In fact, a guy got shot and killed just a few years ago…. It’s super-ghettolicios!! lol
Anyhow, the DTS is having their official graduation tonight- we are going to it tonight at some friends' house where they have a pool! Yippee!! It will be fun to hang out and swim in a place where I know everyone instead of a weirdo pool with weirdo people :)
Today I was cooking again... and we had a accident... I burned my hand taking cookies out of the oven, and now I have a big blister on my finger :(((((
Thursday, June 07, 2007
June 7, 07
Today it was really, really hot inside. The air conditioner is having issues. We spent a long time sorting through boxes and boxes of stuff that each kid gets when they come to
This evening, we went to college group/bible study in a few minutes where the returning DTSers spoke on their trip. It was hard not to fall asleep during the meeting on my fluffy bean bag :) Afterwards, though, I got my second wake and we went to Taco Bell- where Richard fell in love with Baha Mt. Dew (lol- he’s quickly getting addicted)! Then we came home and were completely exhausted… but it was a good night.
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
June 6, 07
Today is the first in a streak of non-hot days... the highest possible prediction is hi 70s, low 80s! And it will be like that for a few days! Wow!
It's a good thing I have paperwork skills, as I haven't heard anyone else on our MA staff team say they are good at it. So, I'm glad to offer my time... plus, I must say it is a bit comforting to see stuff on paper, as our leader hasn't really told us anything yet.
Today I made lunch - it turned out yummy!! :)
Tonight we’re going to the strip (main casino area) to hand out with the DTS that just got back… well, not really to just hang out with them, but hopefully it should be fun.
The last of our staff team is coming tonight- J.D. from
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
June 5, 07
Today the weather isn't super hot... inside it's about 80ish... and I'm cold! lol. Sad, but true! I actually wore a sweater around the house!!
I've spent most of the day on the computer doing work for Kevin (MA leader) and helping with paperwork. Yippee! (not) my brain was seriously fried, but he bought me a 32 oz pop to say thank you (lol- the brit on my team got a 64 oz- he was in total awe... and he's still working on it about 6 hours later! lol). I miss
Sunday, June 03, 2007
June 3rd, 07 Update
Today has been a little bland. We went to church this morning at an Assemblies of God church- which was cool to me, because I go to an AG church back at home.... but mine's not exactly like this! :) They had a full-out Gospel choir for worship, which was AMAZING-- I knew all the songs we sang, too! The rest of the service wasn't .... "my favorite" but I did think it was funny when the pastor slipped up and said that Jesus was Solomon's father, and then corrected himself and said Jesus was Solomon's mother. LOL :) After church, we went to a coolio Mexican-style restaurant... I didn't eat anything, due to my pockets (if ya know what I mean) and it was fine. We sat around for a loong time with lots of people from the church, and then the DTS team that just got back from outreach (
So then, we forgot someone there, and then about two blocks away realized it and turned around to get the poor guy! :) Then, we drove around for a while, and I went to two dollar stores with some friends. It is soooo very hot here! The van we were driving around in most of the day had no air con, so hopefully it's helping me get more used to the climate here! lol.
Anyhow, there is my day in a nutshell... oh, and then tonight instead of doing constructive anything, we've been watching ancient Eurovision contests online! :) Fun stuff! I really like the French's video from this year! Although
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Welcome to Las Vegas!
So far, I've met some, but not all of the people I will be staffing with. Today we're just kind of hanging out, and it will be fun to get to know everyone better (already, I've laughed a TON!)
Thank you for your travel prayers- I definitely needed them! In the midst of all the stresses of scheduling, I bought my plane ticket online for the right date, but for the wrong airplane! Oops! So when I arrived in Seattle, I had to change my ticket!!! God totally worked it out, though, and I am praising Him for his everlasting kindness. The next plane was completely full when we took off, so God really did a miracle to get me a seat on it!
Well, that's it for now, I will hopefully be updating this blog semi-regularly, as there IS internet access here! (Praise God!)
Although many details are still not known, I'm doing well and seem to be fitting in here! Thank you again for all your prayers! They are immensely appreciated!
Friday, June 01, 2007
I leave today!