HOOORAYYY!!! I'm in Vegas now, and I've survived the first week! The spiritual climate here is really heavy- but it's not just a "heavy" heavy- it's a heaviness that sticks to you- that tries to infiltrate every fiber of your being... I don't usually have the gift of discernment, but when I flew into the airport here, it was all I could do to keep my prayers under my breath and not start shouting prayers of intercession for myself and this city that the enemy has such a hold on. Definitely an interesting "welcome"! Inside the airport, I got a friendlier one, though... and I'm not talking about all the porn (soft and non) shouting at me pictorally. Three of my fellow Mission Adventure leadership team members were there to meet me. Kevin- the main leader (who's absolutely cooky and has sweet taste in music), Kati - who's from Finland, and a TON of fun, and then Richard- from Sussex, England. He's an interesting guy- lots of tattooes, smokes, gambles- pretty sweet, actually. Later on, Laura from Colorado joined us- spunky and reallllly goofy... she adds a lot of spice to the group... then JD arrived- self-proclaimed "spiritual person" with an amazingly awesome moustachio :) He's from Oklahoma!So with all our group together, we've done a few bonding things over the past few days- pool time, walking around, movie, morning meetings, "get to know you" games, and shopping! I'm excited for the summer... things aren't crazy yet because kids haven't arrived... but when they do, I'm hoping I don't go mad!!! :)
Love you all - thank you sooooo much for your prayers! God Bless!
ps. if you want to mail me something, I would LOVE to get it!!! My mailing address here is:
LeAnna Kaiser
1348 Pawnee Drive
Las Vegas, NV 89169

Laura, Kati, and I goofing off! :)
Wow! Sounds like a great team- no two alike and all fitting together to make a completed puzzle (joined by the Holy Spirit, of course!) Keep blogging the blog and letting us know how to pray!
I was in Vegas for a few days and i would have called for coffee or something but I didnt want to be a nuisance that and the fact that you would have clasified me as type 4)... stalker. soooo not me! you scare people off LeAnna. lol J/K
you went blonde!?
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