Sunday, June 03, 2007

June 3rd, 07 Update

Today has been a little bland. We went to church this morning at an Assemblies of God church- which was cool to me, because I go to an AG church back at home.... but mine's not exactly like this! :) They had a full-out Gospel choir for worship, which was AMAZING-- I knew all the songs we sang, too! The rest of the service wasn't .... "my favorite" but I did think it was funny when the pastor slipped up and said that Jesus was Solomon's father, and then corrected himself and said Jesus was Solomon's mother. LOL :) After church, we went to a coolio Mexican-style restaurant... I didn't eat anything, due to my pockets (if ya know what I mean) and it was fine. We sat around for a loong time with lots of people from the church, and then the DTS team that just got back from outreach (Mexico, NY, and Israel) last night.

So then, we forgot someone there, and then about two blocks away realized it and turned around to get the poor guy! :) Then, we drove around for a while, and I went to two dollar stores with some friends. It is soooo very hot here! The van we were driving around in most of the day had no air con, so hopefully it's helping me get more used to the climate here! lol.

Anyhow, there is my day in a nutshell... oh, and then tonight instead of doing constructive anything, we've been watching ancient Eurovision contests online! :) Fun stuff! I really like the French's video from this year! Although Ukraine is pretty sweet, too! LOL... well. Maybe today wasn’t really that bland now that I think about it :) It’s kinda sad thinking that I just missed the cruise and graduation for Academy Northwest… after going to it three years in a row, it’s so “final” to not go. It's just one of those trusting God things!

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