Thursday, June 07, 2007

June 7, 07

Today it was really, really hot inside. The air conditioner is having issues. We spent a long time sorting through boxes and boxes of stuff that each kid gets when they come to MA- journal, t-shirt, pencil, lunchbox.... it took FOREVER! And in the hot weather, we were all pouring sweat... but it was a good feeling of accomplishment when we finished! Also, it felt MASSIVELY good to take a shower afterwards :) lol.

This evening, we went to college group/bible study in a few minutes where the returning DTSers spoke on their trip. It was hard not to fall asleep during the meeting on my fluffy bean bag :) Afterwards, though, I got my second wake and we went to Taco Bell- where Richard fell in love with Baha Mt. Dew (lol- he’s quickly getting addicted)! Then we came home and were completely exhausted… but it was a good night.

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