Friday, June 08, 2007

June 8, 07

Today it's been hot. Me and the other girls went up to the roof to "tan" lol... we got bored, but had a nice time laughing and talking about body fat together!! Definitely good female bonding time.

I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned it before, but there’s a huge shopping mall just straight across the parking lot. In fact, a guy got shot and killed just a few years ago…. It’s super-ghettolicios!! lol

Anyhow, the DTS is having their official graduation tonight- we are going to it tonight at some friends' house where they have a pool! Yippee!! It will be fun to hang out and swim in a place where I know everyone instead of a weirdo pool with weirdo people :)

Today I was cooking again... and we had a accident... I burned my hand taking cookies out of the oven, and now I have a big blister on my finger :(((((

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