Wednesday, June 13, 2007

June 13, 07

Today we did evangelism on the strip- starting conversations with a "belief survey," and with a really big wooden cross that we took turns carrying. It was cool, but sometimes sad. I talked to a lady that said that if God was reall and loving, she didn't want him to be her best friend because it would be "Too close" and she didn't want to face all her faults. So hopeless....

Anyways, sorry for that slightly sad note ending.... I asked some of the guys in the office for some “happy things”, and this is what they came up with: "a child blowing bubbles in a forest." Yeah- and this is what I get to deal with on a daily basis!! Lol…

Oh another happy note: I spent three hours tonight in the hot outside heat, catching up on my journaling and talking to God. I was really hot and wiped when I was done, but it was totally worth it! :)

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