Saturday, June 02, 2007

Welcome to Las Vegas!

Well, I'm here! I safely arrived last night to the Las Vegas airport... as I landed, I really felt a heavy thickness on the area- not all because of the weather, either. I felt the need to pray over the area and for me in it!! Please join me in my prayers for God's glory to fall here and that He would change peoples' lives (including mine!) during my time here!
So far, I've met some, but not all of the people I will be staffing with. Today we're just kind of hanging out, and it will be fun to get to know everyone better (already, I've laughed a TON!)
Thank you for your travel prayers- I definitely needed them! In the midst of all the stresses of scheduling, I bought my plane ticket online for the right date, but for the wrong airplane! Oops! So when I arrived in Seattle, I had to change my ticket!!! God totally worked it out, though, and I am praising Him for his everlasting kindness. The next plane was completely full when we took off, so God really did a miracle to get me a seat on it!
Well, that's it for now, I will hopefully be updating this blog semi-regularly, as there IS internet access here! (Praise God!)
Although many details are still not known, I'm doing well and seem to be fitting in here! Thank you again for all your prayers! They are immensely appreciated!


Uriel said...

Your spiritual forecast for Las Vegas today is overcast, with low ceilings and light drizzle, and a 50% chance of demonic participation - followed by clearing later in the day from a prayer front coming in from the north, after which the Son will shine brightly for the remainder of the day...

Praying for you! How's the body of Christ down in Vegas? How are you? Updates, updates...

Oh, by the way, we're moving out to WA this year, Lord willing.

Anonymous said...

Hey sweetheart! I miss you but I am so excited to hear how God is going to use you next! I know that He is going to do some amazing things in and through you during your time there!
I love you, my sister!