First impressions of Albania--- umm... it sort of looks like Mexico slash Greece here. :) kind of strange, but it really is great :)
We've been eating a lot of souflagge (a meat/cheese thing on flat thick tortilla thing with french fries on top!) and gelatto (Italian ice cream) a lot... The ice cream people know Kari already :) lol... Yeah, um... I guess things have been going really well! :)
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Now, I've traveled from the Bottom (see picture) to the top of England!!

On December 9th and 10th, our DTS is going up to a place called Carlisle- to a YWAM base on the border of Scotland and England. It's a gathering of British DTSs to finish off the 40 weeks of 24/7 prayer we've been doing- to unify as North and South England (a gap that has been an area of sin and judgmentalism in the past) and to pray over YWAM England as a whole and over this country. I'm really looking forward to it (maybe not to the 8 hour drive there though!! lol). Plus, I get to see my bestest friend in the whole world- KAELI!!!! She’s visiting her family at the King’s Lodge base, and they are all going up to Carlisle, too! [In hind-sight] The gathering was really great. Kaeli and I talked a lot (although not enough lol) and had a great time of connecting thousands of miles away from home! It was awesome! Plus, the drive was actually fun :)

On December 9th and 10th, our DTS is going up to a place called Carlisle- to a YWAM base on the border of Scotland and England. It's a gathering of British DTSs to finish off the 40 weeks of 24/7 prayer we've been doing- to unify as North and South England (a gap that has been an area of sin and judgmentalism in the past) and to pray over YWAM England as a whole and over this country. I'm really looking forward to it (maybe not to the 8 hour drive there though!! lol). Plus, I get to see my bestest friend in the whole world- KAELI!!!! She’s visiting her family at the King’s Lodge base, and they are all going up to Carlisle, too! [In hind-sight] The gathering was really great. Kaeli and I talked a lot (although not enough lol) and had a great time of connecting thousands of miles away from home! It was awesome! Plus, the drive was actually fun :)
Saturday, December 02, 2006
I'm going to..... Albania!?!?!
In hind-sight, some of England and Albania look quite similar! This is Albania, believe it or not!!

I found out my outreach location last week... Albania! I think it's a really cold country, but mostly windy. We are going to research it more before we leave, though. It has a very sad history, and the people group our outreach will mainly focus on, the Roma Gypsies, have an even sadder history= it is a broken people who (on paper, at least) seem very self- absorbed and pity-partyish... I am praying for restoration and that they find their value in Christ!! Please pray for our outreach team that we would be unified in servant hood, honesty, humility, and JOY!!! Right now, I'm a bit bleak about my team... but I'm praying that God not only changes my heart about it, but Changes the TEAM!!

I found out my outreach location last week... Albania! I think it's a really cold country, but mostly windy. We are going to research it more before we leave, though. It has a very sad history, and the people group our outreach will mainly focus on, the Roma Gypsies, have an even sadder history= it is a broken people who (on paper, at least) seem very self- absorbed and pity-partyish... I am praying for restoration and that they find their value in Christ!! Please pray for our outreach team that we would be unified in servant hood, honesty, humility, and JOY!!! Right now, I'm a bit bleak about my team... but I'm praying that God not only changes my heart about it, but Changes the TEAM!!
Friday, December 01, 2006
Preacher woman... me?!?

I am at Soul's right now (lol) He got a new fancy-schmancy Italian car, so he was very happy to come down late on Friday night and pick me up from Holmsted. Our local outreach went really well. We do it at an Immigration detention center. It’s basically a service for the people there. This time, it was my turn to preach! God really used my testimony of the past few years and the hardships I’ve been through (esp. w/divorce stuff) to touch many people.... :) For my first time preaching, God really blessed me!! lol... after I finished I realized how alike DeLynn and I are in our public speaking mannerisms.... I jumped around a lot and waved my arms (lol) and.... ready for this???.... I realized I'm a shouter!! Not a yeller, but I definitely raised my voice a lot in my sermon! lol.... I spoke on how God has taught me through my hard experiences- mainly perseverance and his outrageous crazy love... with the gospel mixed in. I really felt God's love coursing through me as I spoke... It wasn't me- it wasn't my written-in-an-hour sermon. It was GOD. It was such a cool fear-banishing experience!!
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Something I'm thankful for : TINASHE CHIEDZA-JOY MAGURA!

Thanksgiving day I was helping out with decorations. All us Americans were trying to make it extra-special for the non-US people there. :) I went outside and clipped a ton of big branches to make "bush" things for decorating the dining room. Then I helped set up tables and prettify stuff.... then I was called into the kitchen to make cranberry sauce... then, by the time I got it into bowls and put it on tables, I had 15 minutes to get dressed, shower, and fix my hair!! (lol... not necessarily in that order) So I jumped in the shower, and got my hair done in about 3 minutes afterwards! (I don't ever want to spend tons of time on an updo again! lol).... then the hardest part began- getting dressed!! I had nothing to wear (literally, okay?!? lol), so I tried to borrow something from one girl... she didn't have anything that wasn't unmatching my skirts or modest enough. So then, another girl in that room showed me some stuff- but it didn't work either!! (okay, this whole time I was basically in a skirt and… umm, well actually considering that both boys and girls will be reading this, never mind :) lol) Then, I gave up and went to my room to put on my basically one outfit that's nice (Then, on the way, I snagged one of the staff and asked if she had anything. She got very excited :) lol and showed me all her lovely winter sweaters... none of which matched :( :) lol... then, she remembered her summer clothes that were packed in a backpack to take home on the weekend (to Sweden).... lol... so I ended up wearing a really pretty spaghetti strap tank top that she had lol.... looooong story ,sorry!! :)
It was fun, though! :) Thanksgiving was a good thing to do- it still didn’t feel like Home-style, but it was a lot of fun :)

Thanksgiving day I was helping out with decorations. All us Americans were trying to make it extra-special for the non-US people there. :) I went outside and clipped a ton of big branches to make "bush" things for decorating the dining room. Then I helped set up tables and prettify stuff.... then I was called into the kitchen to make cranberry sauce... then, by the time I got it into bowls and put it on tables, I had 15 minutes to get dressed, shower, and fix my hair!! (lol... not necessarily in that order) So I jumped in the shower, and got my hair done in about 3 minutes afterwards! (I don't ever want to spend tons of time on an updo again! lol).... then the hardest part began- getting dressed!! I had nothing to wear (literally, okay?!? lol), so I tried to borrow something from one girl... she didn't have anything that wasn't unmatching my skirts or modest enough. So then, another girl in that room showed me some stuff- but it didn't work either!! (okay, this whole time I was basically in a skirt and… umm, well actually considering that both boys and girls will be reading this, never mind :) lol) Then, I gave up and went to my room to put on my basically one outfit that's nice (Then, on the way, I snagged one of the staff and asked if she had anything. She got very excited :) lol and showed me all her lovely winter sweaters... none of which matched :( :) lol... then, she remembered her summer clothes that were packed in a backpack to take home on the weekend (to Sweden).... lol... so I ended up wearing a really pretty spaghetti strap tank top that she had lol.... looooong story ,sorry!! :)
It was fun, though! :) Thanksgiving was a good thing to do- it still didn’t feel like Home-style, but it was a lot of fun :)
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Long weekend: Bible and Soul
Souls' House:

I'm at Souls for “long weekend" right now. (it's kind of like a half-way break) I definitely need a break! My brain is so full; I don't think I could absorb any more lectures without a break! Please pray that it is a restful time here and that I get rejuvenated :) I've been doing a lot of collaging and paper-scrap collecting I think my addiction is getting more developed!!! Another addiction I'm working on... reading the Bible! Please pray that God increases my hunger for His word. I
read almost 3 hours today!!! I don't know the last time I did that- and it was actually really good (even though it was mainly Gen and Lev!) I've started a challenge with some friends from my small group – to read the entire Bible through by the end of DTS... it's pretty doable when you break it down. Approximately an hour a day. So we've decided (two or three of us on average) to get up every morning (except this might change on weekends) at 6:30 and read for a half hour out loud to each other- we started on Leviticus since we knew it's a difficult book to read. Maybe we'll conquer another long book next... hmm... At night, we all read silently for a half hour (for me it's amazingly easier if I do even silent reading with a group of people!) I'm really hoping this keeps up and that I don't give into the temptation to quit.... [in hind-sight] It got really hard towards the end to get up so early and to maintain time for reading. I think the last few weeks before outreach were spotted reading mainly… but God continued working in my heart about it!! (more later)
[In Hind-sight] I didn’t get much sleep on long weekend, we were always doing stuff, but it was soo good and I felt okay with going back to Holmsted… which, at that stage was a HUGE deal for me! Praise God!

I'm at Souls for “long weekend" right now. (it's kind of like a half-way break) I definitely need a break! My brain is so full; I don't think I could absorb any more lectures without a break! Please pray that it is a restful time here and that I get rejuvenated :) I've been doing a lot of collaging and paper-scrap collecting I think my addiction is getting more developed!!! Another addiction I'm working on... reading the Bible! Please pray that God increases my hunger for His word. I
read almost 3 hours today!!! I don't know the last time I did that- and it was actually really good (even though it was mainly Gen and Lev!) I've started a challenge with some friends from my small group – to read the entire Bible through by the end of DTS... it's pretty doable when you break it down. Approximately an hour a day. So we've decided (two or three of us on average) to get up every morning (except this might change on weekends) at 6:30 and read for a half hour out loud to each other- we started on Leviticus since we knew it's a difficult book to read. Maybe we'll conquer another long book next... hmm... At night, we all read silently for a half hour (for me it's amazingly easier if I do even silent reading with a group of people!) I'm really hoping this keeps up and that I don't give into the temptation to quit.... [in hind-sight] It got really hard towards the end to get up so early and to maintain time for reading. I think the last few weeks before outreach were spotted reading mainly… but God continued working in my heart about it!! (more later)
[In Hind-sight] I didn’t get much sleep on long weekend, we were always doing stuff, but it was soo good and I felt okay with going back to Holmsted… which, at that stage was a HUGE deal for me! Praise God!
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Lecture Phase Update - Novemberish

I've made up a phrase for how DTS hurts in a good way…. Jesus pain!! :) I'm having a lot of that, but God is moving in my life :) Relationships with other people on the base are a bit rocky right now, but I'm praying that God smoothes it out! :) One good relational thing: I had a crazy cheesecake fight with some leftovers from lunch's dessert; such a waste, but oh so fun!!! :) Now THAT is relationship building! Lol We are always so busy here, so I'm realizing I have to be very purposeful in my relational building (notice I said "realizing" not doing… hmmm…). I know this will be important once I'm at home, too!
DTS has been up and down- sometimes it's amazing, sometimes it's difficult.. God is both teaching me TONS and helping me review stuff- Some of my ideas are becoming life things instead of just mental... One major thing God has been teaching me is about my Identity in Him- I've realized that a lot of my issues sprout from my misconstrued view of myself. Please pray that my heart follows my head in this new revelation... it's easy to say God not only loves me; He likes me, and another to feel it in my heart. I still have no idea about what I'm doing after DTS, but right now I'm COMPLETELY fine with that! I'm not sure I could handle more stuff :) lol.. God knows me so well :)
Sunday, October 01, 2006

I'm getting a new passion for soccer! We usually play at least twice a week!! It's so fun :) even though most of us are girls and not that great, some people have some serious talent (on OUR scale lol). I've earned the nickname "the wall" in soccer, because I have a habit of blocking people and the ball pretty well... ouch :) :) It's really great though. :)
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
I'm here!
Hey everyone!
I just wanted to note that I arrived at Gatwick International this morning 45 minutes early! But most importantly, I arrived safely! Thank you so much for all your prayers and thoughts!! I could have never made it here with out you all behind and beside and in front of me! Thank you!!
Tomorrow I'm going to sight see in London with my brother-in-law's brother, Solomon! I'm really excited as neither of us have done the complete tour thing!
Well, I will update soon! I love you all! I pray that God would overwhelm you with His goodness and faithfulness and exuberant, incomprehensible, ridiculous love!!
I just wanted to note that I arrived at Gatwick International this morning 45 minutes early! But most importantly, I arrived safely! Thank you so much for all your prayers and thoughts!! I could have never made it here with out you all behind and beside and in front of me! Thank you!!
Tomorrow I'm going to sight see in London with my brother-in-law's brother, Solomon! I'm really excited as neither of us have done the complete tour thing!
Well, I will update soon! I love you all! I pray that God would overwhelm you with His goodness and faithfulness and exuberant, incomprehensible, ridiculous love!!
Friday, September 15, 2006
The finality....
It’s starting to hit me now :} [I guess it's about time- I only have four more days!!] Saying goodbye to everyone is hard, but I’m so excited about the new chapter God is opening in my life. It is definitely evident that this is His will for me!
God has been opening the windows of Heaven and pouring out His blessings on my life. But, I have to admit I have my definite ups and downs (don’t we all!?)
Tomorrow DeLynn is going in for a kind-of-emergency Cesarean section and our whole family is a bit stressed I think. Please pray for protection and a QUICK recovery- and that we would all be blessed with an extra measure of grace and an encouraging spirit!
As for finances right now, I am totally blown away by what God did yesterday- Some friends of mine gave me $1,000 for my trip!! I have been working in their business office, and when they gave me my final check they added on “a little extra” :) GOD IS SO AMAZINGLY GOOD!!
So right now my mood is tired from emotional-rollercoaster-syndrome, but full of praises to God. Thank you all for your prayers and support!!
Financial Update:
Earned as of today: $4,197
Still needed for the 1st lecture phase: $1,659
Please also remember to pray for travel mercies and that God would lay it on people’s hearts to give towards not just the first three months, but also my outreach phase!! Thank you and God bless you richly for all the sacrifices you’ve made to support me!
God has been opening the windows of Heaven and pouring out His blessings on my life. But, I have to admit I have my definite ups and downs (don’t we all!?)
Tomorrow DeLynn is going in for a kind-of-emergency Cesarean section and our whole family is a bit stressed I think. Please pray for protection and a QUICK recovery- and that we would all be blessed with an extra measure of grace and an encouraging spirit!
As for finances right now, I am totally blown away by what God did yesterday- Some friends of mine gave me $1,000 for my trip!! I have been working in their business office, and when they gave me my final check they added on “a little extra” :) GOD IS SO AMAZINGLY GOOD!!
So right now my mood is tired from emotional-rollercoaster-syndrome, but full of praises to God. Thank you all for your prayers and support!!
Financial Update:
Earned as of today: $4,197
Still needed for the 1st lecture phase: $1,659
Please also remember to pray for travel mercies and that God would lay it on people’s hearts to give towards not just the first three months, but also my outreach phase!! Thank you and God bless you richly for all the sacrifices you’ve made to support me!
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Yay! 7 days left!
Wow! Tee minus 7 days and counting! My plane takes off on the 19th from Portland,OR at 11:30~ then after a quick flight change in Ohio (yay! one more 'I've been there' checkmark!) and I will (prayerfully) arrive at Gatwick airport on September 20th.
Right now, I'm feeling excited, but a bit uneasy about it still :) This will be my first time on a plane alone :)
My garage sale went very well!! I raised about $220! Thank you Jesus!
Hopefully I will still be able to do a carwash before I leave, but the opportunity is slimming...
I'm not sure how it works if I don't have all my money in before the DTS start date, but I'm leaving it all in God's hands. As of right now, I have $3,187 and stll need $2,669. God has been so faithful, and I'm continually surrenduring my situation to Him.
I've been very encouraged recently, though, by people sending/giving me money when I thought for sure they had forgotten about me :) GOD IS SO GOOD!!
Thank you all for your prayers! God bless!
Right now, I'm feeling excited, but a bit uneasy about it still :) This will be my first time on a plane alone :)
My garage sale went very well!! I raised about $220! Thank you Jesus!
Hopefully I will still be able to do a carwash before I leave, but the opportunity is slimming...
I'm not sure how it works if I don't have all my money in before the DTS start date, but I'm leaving it all in God's hands. As of right now, I have $3,187 and stll need $2,669. God has been so faithful, and I'm continually surrenduring my situation to Him.
I've been very encouraged recently, though, by people sending/giving me money when I thought for sure they had forgotten about me :) GOD IS SO GOOD!!
Thank you all for your prayers! God bless!
Friday, August 25, 2006
In recent news...
So recently it has definitely been a struggle between the desire to give up- quit my job, abandon the DTS, stop going anywhere, and just stay home and sleep... Fortunately, the song "It's gonna be worth it" has been going through my head, too. : ) Seriously though, it has been very tough to stick to what I believe God has led me to do and confirmed it when there are people around telling me not to do it because I haven't raised all my money yet. *Grin* that old saying, "if you don't have anything good to say, then don't say anything at all," definitely applies :)
God has been good to me, though. I know He keeps me in the palm of His hand at all times. Right now I am so thankful that He has a hope and a future for me- beyond what I can see now. Thank you Jesus!!
More general news...
Financial status:
raised: $1,797
still needed: $4,059
:) Thank you so much to all of you who have faithfully prayed for and finanically supported me. It is so encouraging when someone sends me a check for even $10, because I know it is from their heart and accompanying lots of prayer. Thank you all. I am praying for you, too!
God has been good to me, though. I know He keeps me in the palm of His hand at all times. Right now I am so thankful that He has a hope and a future for me- beyond what I can see now. Thank you Jesus!!
More general news...
Financial status:
raised: $1,797
still needed: $4,059
:) Thank you so much to all of you who have faithfully prayed for and finanically supported me. It is so encouraging when someone sends me a check for even $10, because I know it is from their heart and accompanying lots of prayer. Thank you all. I am praying for you, too!
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Well, as of a few days ago, I have raised over $800... not including my own money... if you add that all up, I have a total of $1,242.91!!! Thank you Jesus! I sent out my support letters, and am planning a car wash and garage sale, so hopefully I will get most of my money in soon!!
I think my plane ticket was purchased yesterday! Hooray! I fly out of Portland, OR on the 19th and arrive in London on the 20th. I'm still planning on staying with my soon-to-be-brother-in-law's-brother Solomon. I'm really excited about getting to know a piece of my new family!
Prayer Requests:
Please pray for my family (especially my mom) we are having a bit of a crisis period right now.
That the garage sale/car wash/possible and possibly a 2-man play fundraisers all go smoothly and the planning is easy.
The company I work for is dissolving the last day of August. I was hoping to finish before that so that I would have lots of time to prepare for my trip, but this is the way it worked out. Please pray that two weeks (about) will be enough for me to prepare.
All and any prayers are GREATLY appreciated! Thank you so much for all your support!
I think my plane ticket was purchased yesterday! Hooray! I fly out of Portland, OR on the 19th and arrive in London on the 20th. I'm still planning on staying with my soon-to-be-brother-in-law's-brother Solomon. I'm really excited about getting to know a piece of my new family!
Prayer Requests:
Please pray for my family (especially my mom) we are having a bit of a crisis period right now.
That the garage sale/car wash/possible and possibly a 2-man play fundraisers all go smoothly and the planning is easy.
The company I work for is dissolving the last day of August. I was hoping to finish before that so that I would have lots of time to prepare for my trip, but this is the way it worked out. Please pray that two weeks (about) will be enough for me to prepare.
All and any prayers are GREATLY appreciated! Thank you so much for all your support!
Saturday, July 22, 2006
senior pictures
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Hey - news....
I have sortofkindof made plans for London... my soon-to-be-brother-in-law's brother Solomon lives there (he's an unmarried, 30ish? youth pastor) and he says I can stay with him or someone from his youth group
I haven't actually communicated with him first hand yet, but soon I will be able to :) I've been trying to figure it out this way:
Moses talks to Solomon (aka Saul) then Moses talks to DeLynn, then DeLynn talks to my Mom, then Mom talks to me.
Needless to say, things haven't been getting done very quickly :) God is continually stretching my thinking and faith. I am so happy to have a smile on my face and a song in my heart! (sounds cheesy, but that's the way it is)
So anyhow, I have to get my plans firmed up a bit and then I will let you all know what's happening! Thank you so much for all your prayers and thoughts! I love y'all!
I have sortofkindof made plans for London... my soon-to-be-brother-in-law's brother Solomon lives there (he's an unmarried, 30ish? youth pastor) and he says I can stay with him or someone from his youth group
I haven't actually communicated with him first hand yet, but soon I will be able to :) I've been trying to figure it out this way:
Moses talks to Solomon (aka Saul) then Moses talks to DeLynn, then DeLynn talks to my Mom, then Mom talks to me.
Needless to say, things haven't been getting done very quickly :) God is continually stretching my thinking and faith. I am so happy to have a smile on my face and a song in my heart! (sounds cheesy, but that's the way it is)
So anyhow, I have to get my plans firmed up a bit and then I will let you all know what's happening! Thank you so much for all your prayers and thoughts! I love y'all!
Missions Update
Roll your works upon the Lord- commit and trust them wholly to Him; He will cause your thoughts to become agreeable to his will, and so shall your plans be established and succeed. – Proverbs 16:3
Dear Friends and Family,
Thank you so much for all your prayers and support as I have gone on mission trips over the past few years. God has used your contributions to change my life and to birth a dream and a vision in my life.
I recently returned a mission trip in California with my church. It was an awesome trip – God moved in miraculous ways so many times. One of the biggest things He did in my life was to speak to me about the calling He has placed on my life. He used someone who didn’t even know me to speak prophetically about my call to missions and children. God’s powerful love and grace make me laugh!! He has been so good to me- providing funds for my past trips even when I was fearful and scared.
My mom shared the above verse with me a few months ago, but it has defined everything in my life since then. I have so many dreams and things that I want to do, but as long as they are just “my” dreams and “my” calling, they won’t happen. It is God who is giving me dreams and it is Him calling me to minister in foreign missions.
Part of that calling is rapidly approaching!! I will be leaving for a Discipleship Training School with a Christian missions organization, YWAM (Youth With a Mission) in September. It’s hard to believe that I have only two months to prepare and to raise all the needed funds! Right now I am so thankful that God doesn’t rely on our time schedule to work!
So I’ve gotten my shots, checked my passport, and looked for a plane ticket (which hopefully I will buy in the next few days!) But more than just the physical changes, God has been changing my heart and preparing me to “go into all the world” for His glory.
A big part of that heart change has been trusting in God and giving everything to Him. He has given me the ability to laugh at the fact that I have to raise over $5,000 dollars over the next two months. The awesomeness of God is truly overwhelming, isn’t it!?
I am so excited to be taking off on this new adventure- I will be gone for a minimum of 6 months, but right now I am seriously considering going on an optional “small teams” outreach after the DTS- to India. Please pray with me about this possibility. Part of the prophetic word that I received on my trip was that I would be ministering to India and Africa – two countries that I have a deep desire to go to! However, I am praying for His timing in all things.
So, there are just some of the thoughts and prayers milling through my heart… I would love to share more of what God is doing in my heart – if you want to hear more, just email me or call me and I would love to talk!
If you would, please prayerfully consider giving a contribution to my trip. Like I said, I need over $5,000 for the lecture phase(first three months). If you feel led to give, please send your donation directly to me (I was not able to make your contributions tax-deductible- sorry!). Thank you so much for allowing yourself to be used by God – many people will be blessed by your gifts and prayers! God bless you!!
Below are some quick facts about my trip:
· Arrive in London: sometime around the 20th and try to get over jet lag until my DTS starts J
· School starts: September 23, 2006
· A DTS is broken into two phases; lecture and outreach
· Ends: February 24th, 2007
· Average English temp for my stay: 45ºf and 07ºc
· Accommodation: Dormitory style 8-12 people in bunk beds per room (PRAY FOR ME!!)
· Base name & location: Holmsted Manor; Cuckfield, West Sussex, England
· Base distance from London: Approximately one hour south from London
· Base climate: Lush English countryside (emphasis on country J)
· Base website (it’s so beautiful there!):
My address and phone number there will be:
LeAnna Kaiser
c/o YWAM – Holmsted Manor
Staplefield Road
West Sussex RH17 5JF
(+44) 1444 472 728 and (+44) 1444 472 729
If you call, they ask that it be between 6 and 7:45pm and after 9:15 pm on weekdays during the weekend. or anytime during the weekend.
I will have access to my email there (in a very limited wayJ) so please, please, please email me your email address to get updates during my trip!
Thank you so much for all your prayers and support! I love you all and am praying for you!
- LeAnna Kaiser
Dear Friends and Family,
Thank you so much for all your prayers and support as I have gone on mission trips over the past few years. God has used your contributions to change my life and to birth a dream and a vision in my life.
I recently returned a mission trip in California with my church. It was an awesome trip – God moved in miraculous ways so many times. One of the biggest things He did in my life was to speak to me about the calling He has placed on my life. He used someone who didn’t even know me to speak prophetically about my call to missions and children. God’s powerful love and grace make me laugh!! He has been so good to me- providing funds for my past trips even when I was fearful and scared.
My mom shared the above verse with me a few months ago, but it has defined everything in my life since then. I have so many dreams and things that I want to do, but as long as they are just “my” dreams and “my” calling, they won’t happen. It is God who is giving me dreams and it is Him calling me to minister in foreign missions.
Part of that calling is rapidly approaching!! I will be leaving for a Discipleship Training School with a Christian missions organization, YWAM (Youth With a Mission) in September. It’s hard to believe that I have only two months to prepare and to raise all the needed funds! Right now I am so thankful that God doesn’t rely on our time schedule to work!
So I’ve gotten my shots, checked my passport, and looked for a plane ticket (which hopefully I will buy in the next few days!) But more than just the physical changes, God has been changing my heart and preparing me to “go into all the world” for His glory.
A big part of that heart change has been trusting in God and giving everything to Him. He has given me the ability to laugh at the fact that I have to raise over $5,000 dollars over the next two months. The awesomeness of God is truly overwhelming, isn’t it!?
I am so excited to be taking off on this new adventure- I will be gone for a minimum of 6 months, but right now I am seriously considering going on an optional “small teams” outreach after the DTS- to India. Please pray with me about this possibility. Part of the prophetic word that I received on my trip was that I would be ministering to India and Africa – two countries that I have a deep desire to go to! However, I am praying for His timing in all things.
So, there are just some of the thoughts and prayers milling through my heart… I would love to share more of what God is doing in my heart – if you want to hear more, just email me or call me and I would love to talk!
If you would, please prayerfully consider giving a contribution to my trip. Like I said, I need over $5,000 for the lecture phase(first three months). If you feel led to give, please send your donation directly to me (I was not able to make your contributions tax-deductible- sorry!). Thank you so much for allowing yourself to be used by God – many people will be blessed by your gifts and prayers! God bless you!!
Below are some quick facts about my trip:
· Arrive in London: sometime around the 20th and try to get over jet lag until my DTS starts J
· School starts: September 23, 2006
· A DTS is broken into two phases; lecture and outreach
· Ends: February 24th, 2007
· Average English temp for my stay: 45ºf and 07ºc
· Accommodation: Dormitory style 8-12 people in bunk beds per room (PRAY FOR ME!!)
· Base name & location: Holmsted Manor; Cuckfield, West Sussex, England
· Base distance from London: Approximately one hour south from London
· Base climate: Lush English countryside (emphasis on country J)
· Base website (it’s so beautiful there!):
My address and phone number there will be:
LeAnna Kaiser
c/o YWAM – Holmsted Manor
Staplefield Road
West Sussex RH17 5JF
(+44) 1444 472 728 and (+44) 1444 472 729
If you call, they ask that it be between 6 and 7:45pm and after 9:15 pm on weekdays during the weekend. or anytime during the weekend.
I will have access to my email there (in a very limited wayJ) so please, please, please email me your email address to get updates during my trip!
Thank you so much for all your prayers and support! I love you all and am praying for you!
- LeAnna Kaiser
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Pictures of Ukraine

Kaeli and I on the way to the airport- I haven't cried that much on any of my send offs!!

This is a picture of me and two friends- Paul and Laci that I met. They're from Virginia Beach and were on the puppet team~ we had lots of fun (the fact we were all dead tired helped a lot)

These ladies were so funny! They kept asking me if I was married or engaged, and when I said I wasn't, they wanted to know "Why?! Why!?" It was hilarious, but slightly embarassing when I found out one of them had a son of marrying age (who ended up coming in- and I had to weigh and measure him!! *red cheeks*)

I was just doing a routine brain check on this kid- It requires just a small sample which can easily be aquired through the ear canal..... JUST KIDDING :) I'm just taking his temperature, but by some of the fearful looks that thermometer got, I might as well have been sucking out their brains!
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Goodbye Ukraine... Hello California and England!!
Dear Family and Friends,
Reading over my pre-trip support letter, I can remember the weeks of jitters and expectations so clearly. I knew that God had something important to teach and show me, but I had no inkling of what or how God would teach me.
Honestly, this past Ukraine Mission trip, my third so far, was the hardest trip I had been on. God brought me through the fire to show me a piece of his master plan for my life.
Even in the hard times, though, God gave my team and I opportunities to serve and impact the orphans of Ukraine with Jesus’ love and forgiveness. Our time included: ministering at eleven different places, seeing over one hundred children, praying for and with each one. We endured about forty hours of van-time (unless you have been on a mission trip, you probably don’t realize how significant this is). We also made an effort to share God’s love with everyone we came in contact with.
God touched my heart with the children. He helped me ignore the dirt and dandruff, and to just hug them and give them the smiles and attention they so need and crave. Through a friend’s prayers for me before my trip, God helped me to realize that, “there is strength in serving. Not necessarily in the menial tasks, but serving by loving them; touching them; holding those that no one else would want to touch.” While in Ukraine, God loved his children through me. That is a feeling that I want to be addicted to!
Even though my trip was a difficult one, I know that God used it for the best. Before I left, someone told me that they felt God was saying that “This is my plan for you, it’s not a mistake how this is turning out; it’s my plan for you.” There really is “a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven” (Ecles. 3:1). Looking back on my trip, this definitely rings true. God used my time in Ukraine to show me that people everywhere have problems- problems that He wants to touch and heal with His love. He also showed me that He wants me to be a bearer of that love.
I want to thank each and every one of you for your prayers and financial support- without them, I would have missed out on this life-changing trip and on what God did in my heart during it. My prayer is that God would bless you and show you His purpose for you individually!
Recently, God has been showing me little bits of His purpose for me- right now I am preparing to go on a mission trip down the west coast this June and July. I’m on a dance ministry team and I am looking forward to the opportunities for prayer and loving people! This fall, I am planning on doing a Discipleship Training School (a six month missions school and outreach) with YWAM (Youth With A Mission). Currently, I am applying to a base in England and I should know in the next couple of months if I have been accepted or not.
I would greatly appreciate your prayers for my family and me during these times. My church mission trip will be the last week of June and the first few days in July. The DTS I am applying for begins the end of this September. Also, if you feel God moving on your heart to financially support me in either of these ventures, it would be a huge blessing. The summer trip will cost $600 and my DTS will cost roughly $4,000-5,000. As soon as I am accepted, I will be sending out more information on my DTS. If you would like to hear what God is doing through this, please let me know (preferably by email) and I can keep you up to date!
Thank you again for all your prayers- I know that God will bless you for your support of His work. I love you all and hope to hear from you soon!!
Reading over my pre-trip support letter, I can remember the weeks of jitters and expectations so clearly. I knew that God had something important to teach and show me, but I had no inkling of what or how God would teach me.
Honestly, this past Ukraine Mission trip, my third so far, was the hardest trip I had been on. God brought me through the fire to show me a piece of his master plan for my life.
Even in the hard times, though, God gave my team and I opportunities to serve and impact the orphans of Ukraine with Jesus’ love and forgiveness. Our time included: ministering at eleven different places, seeing over one hundred children, praying for and with each one. We endured about forty hours of van-time (unless you have been on a mission trip, you probably don’t realize how significant this is). We also made an effort to share God’s love with everyone we came in contact with.
God touched my heart with the children. He helped me ignore the dirt and dandruff, and to just hug them and give them the smiles and attention they so need and crave. Through a friend’s prayers for me before my trip, God helped me to realize that, “there is strength in serving. Not necessarily in the menial tasks, but serving by loving them; touching them; holding those that no one else would want to touch.” While in Ukraine, God loved his children through me. That is a feeling that I want to be addicted to!
Even though my trip was a difficult one, I know that God used it for the best. Before I left, someone told me that they felt God was saying that “This is my plan for you, it’s not a mistake how this is turning out; it’s my plan for you.” There really is “a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven” (Ecles. 3:1). Looking back on my trip, this definitely rings true. God used my time in Ukraine to show me that people everywhere have problems- problems that He wants to touch and heal with His love. He also showed me that He wants me to be a bearer of that love.
I want to thank each and every one of you for your prayers and financial support- without them, I would have missed out on this life-changing trip and on what God did in my heart during it. My prayer is that God would bless you and show you His purpose for you individually!
Recently, God has been showing me little bits of His purpose for me- right now I am preparing to go on a mission trip down the west coast this June and July. I’m on a dance ministry team and I am looking forward to the opportunities for prayer and loving people! This fall, I am planning on doing a Discipleship Training School (a six month missions school and outreach) with YWAM (Youth With A Mission). Currently, I am applying to a base in England and I should know in the next couple of months if I have been accepted or not.
I would greatly appreciate your prayers for my family and me during these times. My church mission trip will be the last week of June and the first few days in July. The DTS I am applying for begins the end of this September. Also, if you feel God moving on your heart to financially support me in either of these ventures, it would be a huge blessing. The summer trip will cost $600 and my DTS will cost roughly $4,000-5,000. As soon as I am accepted, I will be sending out more information on my DTS. If you would like to hear what God is doing through this, please let me know (preferably by email) and I can keep you up to date!
Thank you again for all your prayers- I know that God will bless you for your support of His work. I love you all and hope to hear from you soon!!
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Dobre den to all my Americanski friends!
Today is our last day in Vinnistya. We were supposed to leave yesterday morning, but, because Jim Miller and I were sick, we weren't able to. Today, we are feeling well enough to travel, though.
So far, I have spent over 20 hours in vans on bumpy roads, touched about 100 children, and given medical help to easily 3 times that. This trip has been a hard one for me- but in some ways it was easier than before... I will explain more when I get home ; )
Thank you so much for praying for me & my team. These prayers have kept me going when I wanted to give up. I praise God for you all and am praying for you (4 hour van rides are good for prayer).
I love you all and hope to see you soon!
ps. I LOVE YOU!!!!!
Prayer Requests:
For God to continue to speak to me, especially about my future in his kingdom
The van drive to Kiev is 4 hours long- I think it's self explanatory
We are having relational problems with our main interpreter, please pray that she would have joy and would not be frustrated easily (also that we would know how to communicate the best with her)
Mr. Miller and I aren't well yet, and Jane thinks she's getting sick.
Rest, Joy, and Peace.
Speciba soooo much for your prayers- remember, you are part of a battle! Thank you!
Today is our last day in Vinnistya. We were supposed to leave yesterday morning, but, because Jim Miller and I were sick, we weren't able to. Today, we are feeling well enough to travel, though.
So far, I have spent over 20 hours in vans on bumpy roads, touched about 100 children, and given medical help to easily 3 times that. This trip has been a hard one for me- but in some ways it was easier than before... I will explain more when I get home ; )
Thank you so much for praying for me & my team. These prayers have kept me going when I wanted to give up. I praise God for you all and am praying for you (4 hour van rides are good for prayer).
I love you all and hope to see you soon!
ps. I LOVE YOU!!!!!
Prayer Requests:
For God to continue to speak to me, especially about my future in his kingdom
The van drive to Kiev is 4 hours long- I think it's self explanatory
We are having relational problems with our main interpreter, please pray that she would have joy and would not be frustrated easily (also that we would know how to communicate the best with her)
Mr. Miller and I aren't well yet, and Jane thinks she's getting sick.
Rest, Joy, and Peace.
Speciba soooo much for your prayers- remember, you are part of a battle! Thank you!
Monday, January 09, 2006
Status Report 09-01-06
I'M IN UKRAINE!!! YAY YAY YAY !!! Yeah, so it's been really hard the past few days. I think I've cried more than I have in the course of 6 normal months! Yikes- anyways, God is working, so the tears are okay.
Please continue to keep me in your prayers - I leave Vinnitsa in 2 days and it is hard for me to leave (this is where most of our ministry time takes place). Also, I still feel that there is much more to be accomplished - please pray for wisdom on my part to know what to pray and do.
I love you all- thank you so much for supporting me!
Please continue to keep me in your prayers - I leave Vinnitsa in 2 days and it is hard for me to leave (this is where most of our ministry time takes place). Also, I still feel that there is much more to be accomplished - please pray for wisdom on my part to know what to pray and do.
I love you all- thank you so much for supporting me!
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